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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Does IT know... I mean REALLY!!

Well, today is a blah day. I've been 'treating' since Friday... it's time consuming and it seems that I need to be an acrobat! The places I need to stretch to and reach! Seriously! I am tired - not from pso, or maybe it is... all I know is that the physical exertion from doing what is necessary is wiping me out! Add to that that it seems this THING knows! IT knows that I am fighting it and it is attacking me in other ways.... I have been in a lot of pain lately. My shoulder has been so sore for about a month (since before my dx). My ankle, my knee and my back are getting there too! Oh, and lets not forget the flares that have come up since I started treating! WOW! Does this stuff have eyes and ears to KNOW that I am trying to rid my body of it??!??
I just want this under SOME kind of control before I start school. I don't want to start school and have like a zillion doctor appointments to go to during my first week of classes! Is that too much to ask?? Just some down time for me to acclimate to my new schedule of being a student again.

And speaking of school: I have received my acceptance letter from DTCC! YAYYY! My FASFA, is well on it's way to being complete... just waiting on award letter from them now. I have my New Student Orientation Session on April 22. That's when I will see my advisor and pick my classes and such. I am sooo anxious to get started. Last week, I made myself a whole nuisance as I was trying to push things along for myself - something that some folks say is a good thing. Others, the people I kept after, not so much! Ha Ha! Well, this is the life and actions of an adult student. I am not a teenager fresh out of high school. I have more anxiety than the entire senior class of every local high school *combined*. Not only will I be nearly the oldest student in class, but I could quite possibly have a very visible, uncontainable pso problem when I start. That makes me anxious and uncomfortable to think about.

Anyhow, trying to lay this all at the cross. Along with all this going on, I am still the parent (a single one at that!) of a 16 y/o girl. Scratch that! A young woman! AAAAHHHHHH!! Yea, I will be pulling things together to go prom shopping soon: YESTERDAY! I guess I should be happy with this one: he's WAAAAYYY better than the last one and I am more comfortable now than with the first one! (Dr. Jekyll, if you're reading this: DO NOT LET YOUR HEAD SWELL!! Szchuk: if you're reading this: DO NOT GET ANY IDEAS!!).
So, this is my list of jobs lately:
  • Child of God
  • Prayer partner
  • Mother of 16 y/o
  • Student
  • Friend
  • Daughter
  • Pso survivor
Wheewww! I am tired just at the end of the written list! lol. Oh yea I almost forgot: I am vegan too! What does that mean? Well, everything I eat is made from scratch mostly because I am an Organic Vegan. If its got more that 3-5 ingredients in it, I leave it! I'd rather make my own! And that's not just for me, my girl is an Organic Omnivore. So I really spend a lot of time in the kitchen. With the pso attacking my joints now, that is a chore!
Made lasagna the other day... uuuggghhh! When it was done, I had a small piece and just about fell over with exhaustion. Last night I threw together some stuff to make tofu steaks... Y U M M Y!! I try to remember what I put in things so I can develop recipes. Hopefully THAT one I'll remember. I will post my recipe for Vegan Lasagna on here... maybe later tonight??? And I will jot down what I did last night for the steaks for a recipe on that.

Well, I got an eye doctor appt this afternoon, so I'd better get going. The process to get myself ready to be out in public now takes longer....maybe I'll make it to the appointment a little early!?

Will bring paper/pen to write out recipes to share! Thanks for reading and letting me ramble!

In His Gracious Grip,

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